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Summit Brewing Co. Debuts Harvest Collection

The Beers You Love Have a Brand-New Look When was the last time you had all your favorite friends and family members gathered in one place? Was it for your second cousin’s third wedding? Your buddy’s birthday? Or was it when Uncle Pat finally moved back home from Minot, North Dakota? If you’ve been waiting […]

Summit Oktoberfest 12pk, 12oz Can and Pour Shot on Training Room Bar

Summit Beer Hall Exclusive #6: SMOKED PEACH HEFEWEIZEN

Greetings, Summit Beer Drinkers. Here’s the Thing Can any of you help us with a German translation? We entered “Smoked Peach Hefeweizen” into the old Google box, and out came “Rauchte Pfirsich Hefeweizen.” Before we tag this name on our newest Beer Hall Exclusive, we want to make sure it’s correct. Also, can you help […]

Imbibe Magazine: Beyond the Pale

  BEYOND THE PALE: The Extra Pale Ale is brewing’s latest style. But what is it? Story by Joshua M. Bernstein for IMBIBE MAGAZINE Photos by Tate Carlson and Andrew Thomas Lee   Summit Brewing Co. Founder and President Mark Stutrud recently sat down with Imbibe Magazine to talk about our flagship beer, Summit Extra Pale […]

A Love Letter to the St. Paul Saints

Dear St. Paul Saints, You’re so rad. Ever since you came to town in 1993, we’ve been smitten. Sure, maybe we play hard to get from time to time — like that one full-page ad way back in 1996 — but the truth is, we want you to catch us and take us home with […]

Summit Releases Unchained 25: Vienna-Style Lager

Brewer Tom Mondor Wanted a Vienna-Style Lager, So He Went Ahead and Made One, Dang It The cool thing about the Summit Unchained Series is that it allows Summit brewers to make whatever the heck beer they want. The not-so-cool thing? Brewer Tom Mondor brewed his first three years ago — Unchained 17: Fresh Harvest […]

Next Up from Summit Brewing: The Suburbs New Wave Ale

Hey Beer Drinkers! Hey Music Fans! Let’s all get together and help Twin Cities music legends The Suburbs celebrate the release of their newest album, Hey Muse! We’ve teamed up with the band to brew a special beer just for the occasion. Copper in color, The Suburbs New Wave Ale features Calypso and Michigan Copper […]

This is a story about my dad. And bowling. And beer.

  My Monday night bowling league has three unspoken rules. Rule #1: Don’t distract the other bowlers. My dad, Bob, does not follow rule number one. Not even a little bit. He’s chatty, for starters, always telling stories about the last crappie he caught or that one time his dog, Gus, fell out of the […]

Summit Beer Hall Exclusive #3: BAMF DAMPFBIER

OK, here’s the deal: We keep making Beer Hall Exclusives, and you keep drinking them really fast. The last one was supposed to last three weeks and it didn’t even make it through the weekend. You folks are outta control — in a good way. And because we like you, here is a new one: […]

Paul Bergeland and the QA Team’s Bitchin’ Beer Library

In addition to working in Summit Brewing Co.’s Quality Assurance department, where he collects and analyzes beer samples and helps source and vet new ingredients for our beer, Lab Technician Paul Bergeland is also a librarian. A beer librarian. What, you’ve never heard of a beer library? Well, wake up kids, it’s time to go […]

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