Twin Cities Marathon Returns to In-Person for 2021
Fall has arrived! For many that means apple orchards, Oktoberfest beers, pumpkin-flavored treats and Halloween. For thousands it also means its marathon time!
That’s right! The beginning of October also marks the annual Twin Cities Marathon hosted by Twin Cities in Motion! And, after a year hiatus, the marathon is once again happening in-person.
As with near everything in 2020, the annual Twin Cities Marathon and its subsequent events – the 5k, 10k and 10 mile – were held virtually. Instead of gathering at the starting line to take on the pre-set course the first Sunday of October, runners logged into an app, set their own course and could choose any day of the month.
While not the ideal way to host a race, Senior Partnerships Manager at Twin Cities in Motion, Scott Wilson, said it allowed flexibility for participants who may not have been able to join before. Also, it allowed flexibility with the weather.
Of course, Wilson also expressed the desire to run in-person again in 2021.
Luckily, that will be happening!
Twin Cities Marathon weekend will kick off on Saturday, Oct. 2 with the 5K and 10K races. Then Sunday will feature the 10 mile and big marathon race. For all participants over 21-years-of-age, Summit Brewing will be at the finish line – both days – ready with a beer! That’s right! This year, there will be a Beer Garden for both Saturday and Sunday’s events.
Runners 21+ can enjoy Summit Keller Pils or Summit Triumphant Session IPA. The Beer Garden will also be selling Summit Extra Pale Ale, Summit Sága IPA and Summit Slugfest Juicy IPA for all 21 and older.
So, lace up your sneakers or draw up some support signs, and head to Summit Ave. in St. Paul for Twin Cities Marathon weekend!
The Twin Cities Marathon takes place Sunday, Oct. 3. Spots are still available for the 5K & 10K. For more information, visit Twin Cities in Motion online.