Meet Mark Stutrud at the Minnesota State Fair!
Summit Brewing Founder and President Mark Stutrud is heading out to the Minnesota State Fair for ice-cold Summit pints, tacos, and good old-fashioned people-watching. Come say hi!
Find Mark and our 2017 Minnesota State Fair Beer, Summit Lazy Sipper Ale, only at Shanghaied Henri’s in the International Bazaar. (They serve excellent tacos, FYI.)
Mark will be visiting from 2–4 p.m. on August 29, 30, and 31. Our special beer, however, will remain on tap from the day the Fair opens until the minute it shuts down. Because we know you’re thirsty.
While visiting the Summit-On-A-Stick Booth, round out your flight of Summit beers with Extra Pale Ale, Sága IPA, Pilsener, Unchained 25: Vienna-Style Lager, Oatmeal Stout on nitro, and Oktoberfest. And don’t forget to grab a free Summit bandana — available August 29, 30, and 31 while supplies last — and enter to win a Summit neon and a Summit LED sign. Both signs will be given away September 4th.
We’ll see you at the Fair!
Want to know more about Summit Lazy Sipper Ale? Gotcha covered.