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Summit Brewing Co. Celebrates 89 Years Since Repeal of Prohibition

There are many things to celebrate with the arrival of April.

While true spring may be a bit off, in the Midwest at least, temperatures are getting warmer and the possibility of snowless lawns is getting closer. Soccer and baseball return. And, April 7.

What is April 7? Well, read on!

A Minor Misstep

In 1919 the United States of America ratified the 18th Amendment to its constitution. If you’ve forgotten what that amendment was we don’t blame you (we block it out, too). However, as a reminder, it was the amendment that brought about the prohibition of alcohol.

Walking It Back

Fourteen long years later, on Dec. 5, 1933, the USA reversed this decision when it ratified the 21st amendment repealing prohibition. Once again it was legal to make, possess and consume alcohol.


December 5 is not April 7…

(credit: Summit Brewing Co.)

This is true!

While the amendment was ratified on December 5, and many people do celebrate Repeal Day each year on this date, it wasn’t the first step in allowing alcohol sale and consumption back into the U.S.

The first step came when the Cullen-Harrison Act officially went into effect. The Cullen-Harrison Act declared that any beer with an alcohol-by-volume of 3.2 percent or less could be legally sold in the U.S. It was signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on March 22, 1933 but went into effect on April 7.

Because of this, April 7 is National Beer Day! First celebrated in 2009, this holiday also commemorates the day when American’s could legally purchase some type of beer again.

So, at Summit Brewing Co. we choose to celebrate the Repeal of Prohibition on April 7 for the above reasons. Also, why wait until December to celebrate beer? The more beer-related holidays the better!

How Exactly Does Summit Celebrate You Ask?

We’re glad you asked!

Every year since 2009, Summit Brewing Co. has recognized the Repeal of Prohibition by partnering with a Minnesota artist to produce a limited-edition, commemorative screen-print poster. For the 89th anniversary, we teamed up with illustrator Noah Lawrence-Holder. Lawrence-Holder is a Minneapolis-based, non-binary illustrator and animator. Originally from Madison, Wisc., they came to Minnesota to study art and illustration. Their work centers on racial justice, equity, intersectionality and gender identity. They have shown work in gallery shows highlighting queer and black artists across Minneapolis and beyond. You can follow them on Instagram at @blormpy. This year’s poster is meant to show the goofy, wild and sometimes fantastical side of the craft beer world.

As with previous years, we will be offering a limited number of prints for purchase. Each print is $30 (before tax or shipping) and will be signed and numbered up to 89. We’re excited to announce that for the first time in two years we’ll once again be selling these in our Ratskeller Gift Shop! Of course, you can also buy them online, too.

Also, as with previous years, stay tuned to our social media as well! We may be giving away a few posters there to some lucky beer fans.

So, whether you stop by the Ratskeller Beer Hall or go to support your local bar, pub or restaurant enjoy a Summit Beer this National Beer Day and cheers to the Repeal of Prohibition!


Summit Brewing Co. Repeal of Prohibition Poster 2022
(Credit: Summit Brewing Co.)
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