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Summit Brewing Co. Celebrates 87 Years Since the Repeal of Prohibition!

If there was ever a time we needed something to celebrate, it’s spring of 2020. Luckily, there’s a great reason coming up soon!

April 7.

Not sure what April 7 represents? Well, read on!

A Peek Into the Past

Over 100 years ago, in 1919, the United States of America ratified the 18th Amendment to its constitution. In case you aren’t familiar, this was the amendment that brought about the prohibition of alcohol.

These were dark, dark times.

A Light is Shed

However, just 14 short years later, on Dec. 5, 1933, the USA reversed this decision when it ratified the 21st amendment repealing prohibition. Once again it was legal to make, possess and consume alcohol.


But You Said April 7…

Yes, the amendment was ratified on December 5 and many people do celebrate Repeal Day each year on this date. However, here at Summit Brewing Co. we choose to celebrate on April 7 for several reasons.

First, it’s when the Cullen-Harrison officially went into effect. The Cullen-Harrison Act allowed the sale of 3.2 percent beer. It was signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on March 22, 1933 but went into effect on April 7. It effectively began the first steps toward a full repeal of prohibition.

Second, it’s also National Beer Day! First celebrated in 2009, this holiday also commemorates the day when American’s could legally purchase some type of beer again.

Third, why wait until December to celebrate beer? The more holidays the better!

How Does Summit Celebrate You Ask?

We’re glad you asked!

Every year since 2009, Summit Brewing Co. has recognized the Repeal of Prohibition by partnering with a Minnesota artist to produce a limited-edition, commemorative screen-print poser. For the 87th anniversary, we teamed up with illustrator John Vogl. Vogl’s work is “a mix of digital and traditional illustration, with a focus on evocative detail with a graphic sensibility.” He has worked on a variety of commercial and gallery projects, as well as personal projects. He lives in Minneapolis with his dog Loki, who is not a very useful studio assistant but still very sweet and cute.

As with previous years, we will be offering a limited number of prints for purchase. Each print is $30 and will be signed and numbered. Unlike previous years, we won’t be able to have them for sale in our Ratskeller at this time.

But don’t cry over spilled beer! We have a plan. If you’re interested in purchasing the poster, please fill out our online interest form. This will not only help secure your spot in line for the poster, but we’ll also know how to contact you once we’re able to open our doors again.

Finally, stay tuned to our social media as well! We may be giving away a few posters there to some lucky beer fans on April 7.

While we’re saddened we cannot celebrate together in our Ratskeller this Repeal Day, we hope you’ll all enjoy a brew at home and give us a virtual toast!


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