Enjoy Your Favorite Summit Beer Alongside Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookie
There’s a moment each winter when hope begins to return. When warm thoughts of brighter days begin to trickle in to our memories. When across the nation young girls cover propped up card tables at grocery stores with green cloth to sell cookies. That’s right, Girl Scout Cookie season.
Once a year, at stores, churches and businesses Daisies, Brownies and Juniors (and their parents) entice you buy some of their beloved treats to help the troops.
To commemorate their reappearance, Summit Brewing Company has decided to host a special event. On Saturday, Feb. 29 Summit will be holding pairing event: Summit Beer and Girl Scout Cookies. From 1 – 5 p.m. guests of the Summit Ratskeller will get the chance to enjoy their favorite Summit brews with their favorite Girl Scout confectionery.
While we always welcome experimentation, we felt it was also our duty to provide a guide to just what a perfect match-up of malt beverage and sweet treat would look like.
So, to prepare for the day, our team of experts in the quality lab took on the daunting task of determining just what the perfect pairings should be. Their findings?

- Thin Mints & Summit Oatmeal Stout
The cool, crisp cookie combines with the luscious, smooth stout for a velvety chocolate treat.
- Lemonades & Summit Keller Pils
The sweet lemon of the cookie brightens the citrus, lemon hop characteristic of this light pilsener.
- Shortbread & Summit Twenty-One
The slightly sweet, biscuit flavored cookie provides a boost to the assertive, tropical hops.
- Peanut Butter Sandwich & Summit Dark Infusion Coffee Milk Stout
The creamy peanut butter highlights the roasted characteristics of the coffee flavoring, while the lactose helps round out the toasted notes of the sandwich cookie.
- Thanks-a-Lot & Summit Elderflower IPA
The biscuit cookie with the hint of sweet chocolate shows off the melon and herbal finish.
- Carmel deLites & Summit Extra Pale Ale
The caramel topping complements the caramel malts by showing off the marmalade flavors. The earthy hops also bring out the coconut flavors.
- Peanut Butter Patties & Summit Winter Ale
Sweet chocolate and peanut butter actually work to taper down the chocolate and cherry notes of Winter Ale, letting the date and stone-fruit flavors shine through.
- Girl Scout S’Mores & Summit Maibock
The marshmallow, chocolate and malt combine to highlight the banana esters in the beer and graham cracker in the cookie.
In addition to the pairings, there will also be Girl Scout Cookies for sale and purchase throughout the four hours.
So, come see if you agree with our experts, create a new combination or simply enjoy your tried-and-true favorites.
The Summit Ratskeller is open to all ages, but patrons must be at least 21-years-of age to enjoy an alcoholic beverage and will be carded, so please bring an official government-issued picture ID. Root Beer is also served in the beer hall.