From the Archives: Head Brewer Mike Lundell’s Lederhosen
As autumn deepens and we approach the first official day of fall, it’s time once again for Oktoberfest.
Yes, we mean the beer. But also, the festival!
We know that the official Oktoberfest in Munich has been canceled, and we’re aware many local Oktoberfest celebrations won’t be happening for a few weeks yet. (We also know our Summit Oktoberfest has been on the shelves for roughly a month now. And for those who always say August is too soon, here’s a brief history lesson on why it comes out then. Hint: it’s tradition) However, we wanted to share some valuable information that could help in your celebrations – how to dress appropriately! That, and we are always looking for a reason to enjoy an Oktoberfest!
So, our Head Brewer Mike Lundell takes it upon himself in this video from the past to explain the traditional Bavarian Lederhosen. And while he may not be drinking an Oktoberfest, he is enjoying a traditional German alt similar to our High Sticke Alt from earlier this year.