Celebrate the Repeal of Prohibition. Because Beer.
April 7, 2017: 84 Years Since the Repeal of Prohibition
Bummer, Brah
Back in 1919, the United States of America ratified the Eighteenth Amendment to its Constitution, bringing about the prohibition of alcohol. In our opinion, this wasn’t our country’s best moment.
Good Job, America!
Fortunately, on December 5, 1933, the USA reversed course and ratified the Twenty-First Amendment, repealing prohibition and once again making it legal to possess and consume alcohol.
Put On Your Party Pants
Many folks celebrate Repeal Day each year on December 5th, choosing to acknowledge the date when the states ratified the Twenty-First Amendment and legalized alcohol. Here at Summit Brewing Company, however, we celebrate Repeal Day a few months earlier on April 7th — the date when, in 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Cullen-Harrison Act into law, legalizing 3.2 percent beer.
Bring On The Beer
Another reason we recognize Repeal Day on April 7th is because it’s also National Beer Day. This 100-percent-fun holiday — first celebrated in 2009 — also has its roots in the repeal of prohibition, and we feel the double celebration is just too irresistible to pass up. Besides, we don’t want to wait another eight months to celebrate in December.
That Screen Print Is Nice
Each year since 2009, Summit Brewing Co. has recognized the repeal of prohibition by partnering with a Minnesota artist to produce a limited-edition, commemorative screen-print poster. This year, to mark the date’s 84th anniversary, we’ve teamed up with Minneapolis illustrator Erica Williams. Known for her “intricate and detailed illustrations of flora and fauna as well as custom typography,” Williams attended Kansas City Art Institute before moving to Minneapolis and becoming a freelance illustrator in 2012. Though this year’s stunning Repeal Day Poster won’t be available for purchase, we are excited to give away a few signed and numbered prints on our Facebook page. And remember, even if you don’t win a poster, you’re still a winner today. Because beer.