Summit Brewing Co. Celebrates 88 Years Since the Repeal of Prohibition!
For the last year, many of us have been uttering this phrase over and over again: “Thank goodness for beer!”
Thanks goodness for beer, indeed! And, thanks goodness for April 7! Beer, in part, exists in America because of what happened on April 7.
Not sure what historical event occurred? Well, read on!
Crazy Little Thing Called Prohibition
Over 100 years ago, in 1919, the United States of America ratified the 18th Amendment to its constitution. In case you aren’t familiar, this was the amendment that brought about the prohibition of alcohol.
Another fun fact, this was just a year after the Spanish Flu pandemic occurred.
A Light is Shed
However, just 14 short years later, on Dec. 5, 1933, the USA reversed this decision when it ratified the 21st amendment repealing prohibition. Once again it was legal to make, possess and consume alcohol.
But You Said April 7…
Yes, the amendment was ratified on December 5 and many people do celebrate Repeal Day each year on this date. However, here at Summit Brewing Co. we choose to celebrate on April 7 for several reasons.
First, it’s when the Cullen-Harrison Act officially went into effect. The Cullen-Harrison Act declared that any beer with an alcohol-by-volume of 3.2 percent or less could be legally sold in the U.S. It was signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on March 22, 1933 but went into effect on April 7.
Second, it’s also National Beer Day! First celebrated in 2009, this holiday also commemorates the day when American’s could legally purchase some type of beer again.
Third, why wait until December to celebrate beer? The more holidays the better!
How Does Summit Celebrate You Ask?
We’re glad you asked!
Every year since 2009, Summit Brewing Co. has recognized the Repeal of Prohibition by partnering with a Minnesota artist to produce a limited-edition, commemorative screen-print poster. For the 88th anniversary, we teamed up with illustrator Jill Kittock. Kittock is a Minneapolis-based illustrator and artist with a background in graphic design and art history. Her work is usually character-driven and inlaid with symbolism to invoke mood, humor and nostalgia. When creating this year’s Repeal Day poster, Kittock was inspired by – what else – the pandemic. When thinking about how the pandemic affected the craft beer and hospitality industries, as well as society’s consumption of beer, she began by drawing lone people drinking. But, as she drew, she knew she wanted to use this opportunity to invoke some hope as well. As things slowly start to recover, Kittock wanted to show that just like prohibition, the pandemic will not be forever. She ended with a drawing of a fierce woman sporting tattoos proclaiming her love of beer to show that just like ink, craft beer is permanent.
As with previous years, we will be offering a limited number of prints for purchase. Each print is $37 (includes sales tax and shipping) and will be signed and numbered up to 88. Unlike previous years, we won’t be able to have them for sale in our Ratskeller at this time.
But don’t cry over spilled beer! We have a plan. If you’re interested in purchasing the poster, please fill out our online interest form. After April 30 or when all the posters have been claimed, whichever comes first, our team will reach out to interested parties over the phone to obtain payment and the correct contact information for a secure delivery of the poster.
Finally, stay tuned to our social media as well! We may be giving away a few posters there to some lucky beer fans.
While we’re saddened we cannot celebrate together in our Ratskeller this Repeal Day, we hope you’ll all enjoy a brew at home or at your local bar or restaurant and give us a virtual toast!