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Trivia Mafia Theme Night at Summit Ratskeller: Gilmore Girls

Trivia Mafia is back with another theme night at the Ratskeller!

Each month, on the last Saturday, drinkers in the Summit Ratskeller are invited to attempt to guess the correct answers to a host of questions in hopes of winning prizes. That’s right, we host trivia! Trivia Mafia hosts the evening, determining winners and prizes.


Here at Trivia Mafia, we live in two worlds. One is a world of Trivia, and the other is a world of “Gilmore Girls.” After dreaming once again of crashing the Stars Hollow town meetings and trying the pie at Luke’s Diner, we thought there had to be some way to bring our worlds together. All anyone wants is to find a nice person to play trivia with ‘til we drop dead.

So we gave Kirk a new job writing “Gilmore Girls” Trivia for us to see if you really know your Gilmores. Perhaps you can join one of Paris’ study groups to ensure victory–or, maybe you’d rather just give the show another re-watch. Whether you’re a fan of Hep Alien, an insipid board game aficionado, or a former Whiffenpoof, you’ll love our “Gilmore Girls” Trivia!

  • Life’s short. Talk fast and get to your trivia location a bit early, because it will start promptly on time.

  • Teams are limited to six — so, your teammates, like Paris’ list of enemies, will have to be narrowed down from 26 to five.

  • All of our locations use the Trivia Mafia App for running theme nights, so bring a charged phone so that it has the healthy glow of someone who goes consistently to the gym.

  • The same questions will run at all locations, so don’t be disappointed when you try to double-dip and it feels like someone brought you used dessert.

  • Use your noodle, not your Google. Using your Google will make us so mad and so sad. We’d be smad.


When & Where

Date: Saturday, February 25, 2022

Time: 6 – 8 p.m.

Location: Summit Ratskeller • 910 Montreal Circle, St. Paul, MN 55102.


For more info on our December Trivia Theme night or other trivia events happening around the Twin Cities visit the Trivia Mafia Website.


Be sure to check out our news and events page to stay up to date on everything happening at Summit Brewing Company

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